Finding New Boundaries

In my post-derailment funk I’ve mostly lived on Whataburger, Fazoli’s, McDonald’s breakfasts, popcorn, crackers, nuts, chocolate-laced granola bars and  . . . . (Be strong, Sharon!  Admit you have a problem!) . . . candy corns.

Tonight I was settling in for another repeat of Whataburger when I found myself cruising down the street, thinking “Yeah, I could eat Whataburger, but the food I’m eating right now is so limiting . . . ”

Some part of myself recognized that thought for the miracle it is, and I drove past Whataburger in a daze.

Limiting.  A week of my favorite foods is limiting.  It’s boring, repetitive, and heavy.

Wow.  I no longer enjoy a steady diet of crap food.

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