Fab Frijoles

Mealime wins again.  I ate a meal where beans played a starring role, and much to my surprise I wouldn’t mind eating the meal again!  Their Southwestern Black Bean Cakes were good, especially when slathered with guacamole.  The leftover portion is freezing now, and I’ll be glad to have this on hand the next time I have a spare avocado.  It’s doubtlessly better for me than a bag of tortilla chips.

I did tweak the recipe slightly and added three strips of bacon.  While the addition invalidated the whole “vegetarian” concept, knowing there was bacon in the dish made it easier for me to take a bite.  The next time I make this I’ll go full throttle and skip the bacon.

Beans have been a nemesis food for a long time.  They’re on my Top Ten Foods I’m Most Afraid Of Eating list.  I made the list several years ago when I started trying to transform my eating habits.  I’ve made some headway.  The foods in italics are foods I’ll now eat without much of a fuss.

Top Ten Foods I’m Most Afraid Of Eating

  1. Spinach
  2. Beans (including humus, tofu, etc.)
  3. Mushrooms
  4. Cantaloupe
  5. Kale
  6. Broccoli
  7. Bananas
  8. Olives
  9. Asparagus
  10. Sea vegetables

Obviously I still have work to do, but I’m a step closer to liking beans.  It’s progress.  I’m moving in the right direction, even if my waistline doesn’t yet illustrate that point.