Editing Process

Recently I watched Beautiful Losers.  It moved me, as I think it moves anyone who wants to be more creative, but constantly struggles with the conflicts between creativity and self.  These artists are true to themselves, and it’s what makes their art great.

Aaron Rose said something in the film that seemed to strike at the heart of all my problems.  “You’re not really starting over, you’re just editing out all the crap that was holding you back.”

Being the person I want to be is an editing process.

I have to edit food — remove the pizza, remove the chocolate, the Goldfish crackers.  Food is the one place in my life where I’m adding, too.  Expand the palette with more vegetables.

I edited my closet recently, and threw out anything that made me feel old and frumpy, even if other people complimented the outfit.  I gave six bags to the Goodwill, filled with expensive wrap dresses, full skirts, long skirts, and button-down blouses.

I’m editing my spending.  Less crap, more savings.  Less crap, less debt, less anxiety, less stress.  Less cleaning and less stuff.

So, yeah, back to the film — the quote spoke to me, and I made this series based on the quote.  I’m not sure I’m finished with it.  The transition between the 5th and 4th seems too abrupt, as does the transition between the 6th and last.









Creating this was fun.  I did the entire set on an iPad, using about ten different apps.

This post originally appeared on my blog TheArtDiet.com, back when I thought I had enough energy to blog about food and art.  Now that I’ve changed my focus (and my domain name) I’m moving all the food-related posts to HabitFork.

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